Digital Marketing

3 Marketing Insights on Pok?mon Go

3 minute read | January 1, 1999

Pokémon Go has been the “talk of the town” ever since its release. It is an augmented reality game launched by Nintendo, a combination of technology and real-life locations wherein you explore your neighborhood and other public places to find and catch Pokémon.


The game has taken over the world since it was (almost) everyone’s favorite childhood game, and it seems like they’re taking over the marketing industry too. Here are some insights:


  1. Pokémon Go does not represent the new era of Augmented Reality
  • A Pokémon appearing in front of your house, inside the mall or in the middle of the street is just a basic construction of AR. There are a lot of apps (developed in the U.S.) which have better object sensing than Pokémon Go.
  1. A new way of interacting with consumers
  • Pokémon Go, by far, has been the first successful AR game. Since a lot of people are addicted to it, companies could use the game to promote their brands, place ads within the game or use other ways to utilize Pokémon Go as a platform.
  1. Should companies partner with Pokémon Go?
  • It would be good for getting PR if a brand has managed to partner with the game, especially now that it is the word of mouth, but a reminder for every marketer is to never concentrate too much on the game and don’t bound yourself with it too much or you could lose everything.


With the launch of Pokémon Go, it tells us that technology and real-life interaction are slowly evolving, and marketers should look out for market opportunities coming along the way.



Daykin, J. (2016, July 29). PokémonNO: Don’t Jump to the Wrong Marketing Conclusions from #PokemonGo. #DigitalSense. LinkedIn. Retrieved fromémonno-dont-jump-wrong-marketing-conclusions-pokemongo-daykin.

Schwartz, G. (2016, August 1). 3 Major Marketing Insights From Pokemon Go. Entrepreneur. Retrieved from


Photo Source:

Siegal, J. (2016, July 8). Pokémon Go guide: Everything you need to know to get started. Yahoo! News. Retrieved from

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