Digital Marketing

How to Create a Marketing Plan

4 minute read | September 28, 2021 Share Share

What is a marketing plan?

A marketing service provider outlines an effective marketing plan, which are strategies that are executed per month, quarter, or year. It includes the goals, marketing position, task timelines, key performance indicators (KPI), and customer needs. A well-written plan leads to effective marketing strategies. At the same time, you can keep up with your goals with a concrete marketing plan. 

Strategies to Create a Marketing Plan

1. Conduct a situation analysis.

conduct a situation analysis to make a marketing plan

The first step in creating a marketing plan is to do a situation analysis. By doing this, you can grasp the state of your business. Situation analysis is the probing of the inside and outside parts of a company. It outlines a company's marketing strategy, advertising strategy, target audience, business landscape, and their overall influences. Situation analysis should be checked and updated regularly to make sure it is relevant.

2. Define your target audience.

Define your target audience to make a marketing plan

Your target audience are people who are most likely to purchase your product or service. Target audiences would depend on location, socioeconomic status, age, gender, or education. They help in creating your business’ marketing purpose, and methods on how to build relationships with customers. 

Trying to appeal to all audiences is sometimes fruitless. Not all audiences are interested in purchasing a specific product. However, having a target audience allows you to make digital ads for people who are actually interested in buying your product.

3. Write S.M.A.R.T goals.

write SMART goals  to make a marketing plan

S.M.A.R.T goals bring your ideas to perspective. They also make your efforts productive, save time, and allow you to be successful. S.M.A.R.T goals mean Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. Hence, your goals should be realistic, practical, and follow the trend.. For example, if you want your brand to have a strong online presence, you should use a social media marketing plan that has clear, measurable goals.

4. Analyze your tactics  

analyze your tactics  to make a marketing plan

There are tons of tactics in marketing plans. For example, effective marketing in the Philippines analyzes the tactics to make marketing plans effective in the long run. These tactics include search engine optimization, local search marketing, content marketing, remarketing, and influencer marketing. Make sure that your strategies are relevant to your specific brand, product, or service.

5. Set your budget

 set your budget  to make a marketing planYour budget is an essential part of a marketing campaign. It includes the costs of all operations and manpower you’ll be needing to execute your plans. It is a financial roadmap important for small or large businesses. Here, you’ll also see the investment returns of the budget you allocated.

Final thoughts

Without strategies, it is nearly impossible to make a successful marketing plan. By applying these strategies, not only will you see financial growth for your brand, you’ll also improve its brand positioning in the market! Don’t know how to get started? Contact PurpleBug Inc., the leading marketing services provider in the Philippines now!


image sources: fauxels from Pexels, MariSmithPix from Pixabay, mohamed hassan from PxHere, from PxHere, stevepb from Pixabay, Canva Studio from Pexels

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