Innovation & Technology

3 Latest Features of Instagram Stories

2 minute read | January 1, 1999 Share Share

Instagram has announced its latest features for Stories. And, it’s pretty amazing!

  1. Links in Stories

You can now add links within stories. At the bottom part of your Story, the user will be able to see a “See More” button which will allow him/her to insert a link. With this features, brands/businesses may now enter their respective brand profiles for lead generation. However, only verified profiles will be able to add links to their Stories. The option’s limited to public figures and brands chosen by Instagram to receive a checkmark.

  1. Linking to Other Users

You can also link other Instagram users from your Stories. Just type the “@” symbol and enter the username which enables you to mention them in your Story.

  1. Boomerang

You now have the option to choose between a normal Story or a Boomerang style Story.

Update your Instagram app now to see these amazing features!

Source: Hutchinson, A. (2016, November 10). Instagram Adds New Functions to Stories, Including Links and Looping Video Tools. Social Media Today. Retrieved from

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