Innovation & Technology

6 Video Ideas for your Business

2 minute read | January 1, 1999 Share Share

As 2017 approaches, video content continues to grow bigger in terms of social media content. According to a study, including a video on your landing page can increase one’s conversion rate by up to 80%. With this, video should be an essential part of your 2017 plans. It will not only increase your brand’s conversion rates, but also your brand’s engagement in social media.

Here are some video ideas your brand can create in order to get your target results:

  • Social media updates – Add videos instead of photos with usual texts to create more engagement on your page.
  • Testimonials – This will boost your credibility when it comes to your audience.
  • Behind the scenes – This will give your audience an insight to your company.
  • Brand story – Through this, you will be able to share your brand’s background which will make your audience more relatable with your brand.
  • Product reveal – If your brand have a new product, this will definitely help promote your product.
  • Presentations – Create educational presentations which will offer value to your audience.

One of the best ways to start your 2017 with a bang is by investing with unique and engaging video content. Don’t forget to include the following video ideas above!

Source: Bullock, L. (2016, December 13). 6 Tools to Help Create Video Content for Your Business. Social Media Today. Retrieved from

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