Innovation & Technology

Instagram: New Updates on Direct Messaging

2 minute read | January 1, 1999 Share Share

Instagram now allows it users to send any orientation format of a photo and share web links through direct messages!

With the updated messaging feature of Instagram, users can now share anything from the web and preview the full link of it. Cool, right? To add, sharing a portrait or landscape photo to your Instagram friends? No problem! Instagram’s direct messages now allows sending images in any orientation.

With the new updates of direct messaging, Instagram will surely contribute in keeping its users since they have more option and there’s no need to switch to an alternative messaging app.

The updates are rolling out now to iOS users, and will arrive on Android soon. Links are supported on both platforms as of version 10.22.

Sources:  Desreumaux, G. (2017, May 28.) Instagram Direct Now Allows Web Links And Landscape Format. We are Social Media. Retrieved from

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