Innovation & Technology

Nokia's CEO bids farewell

3 minute read | January 1, 1999 Share Share

Nokia was one of the biggest and most successful mobile phone manufacturer in the world. It has been producing phones for more than a hundred years, since the telephony began. During the 80's, Nokia introduced their first ever fully-digital exchange in Europe and the world's first car phone for the Nordic Mobile Telephone analog standard.

The first GSM (global system for mobile) call was made with a Nokia phone over the Nokia-built network of a Finnish operator called Radiolinja in 1991. The Nokia 3210, is a GSM cellular phone, announced by Nokia during the 90's. It reached almost 200 million units sold; it was the most popular phone that Nokia produced. Furthermore, Nokia and Microsoft joined forces last 2011 to strengthen Nokia's position in the highly competitive smartphone market.

The trends and what people demands to see changes from time to time.  We live in a fast paced world wherein every time a technology has been innovated or introduced, it gives us new ideas and possibilities that something better can be invented.

In a world filled with the usage of technologies, specifically the smart phones – it truly provide us with what we need in just a click. Smart phones has been the trend this 2000’s. From the cheapest to the most expensive, to the local to foreign brands, name it and most of them offer smart phones.

Nokia has been around for so long on the cliff – a cliff where it’s a 50/50 chance to stay or get eliminated from the smart phone competition.

Recently, Nokia’s CEO released a statement regarding its downfall, and it is actually heartbreaking – “We didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost.” The said statement had an impact to almost everyone who once used Nokia on some point in their lives.

Just like what they say, nothing stays the same; which is the consumers demand, and Nokia’s presence in the phone industry. Nokia changed the game and did their best to produce the most popular phone everyone used to have, the Nokia 3210.



The Cinnaboy. (2016, March 5). "We didn't do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost" Last speech by Nokia's CEO. The Coverage. Retrieved from

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