Innovation & Technology

Smartphone Addiction: How much is too much?

6 minute read | January 1, 1999

People nowadays, especially teens, are on their phones frequently, whether it is to text or call someone, play games or go online. A lot of us can admit that we can’t live without our phones.

Smart phones have taken a huge part in our lives; we socialize, work, play and do almost everything with them. Most of us can’t even take a minute without checking our phones for anything, it’s like our lives revolve around our phones!

“With the multi-functionality of mobile phones, Filipinos say that aside from TV, it’s their mobile phones that they can’t live without,” says Steve Garton, the executive director of Ipsos Business Insights, from an article in Inquirer.

According to an article in In in CNN written by Kelly Wallace, 50% of teens think that they’re addicted to their smartphones. Common Sense Media, a non-profit organization dedicated to help kids thrive in a world of media and technology, conducted a poll that was answered by 1,200 parents and teens and resulted into 50% of teens answering that they feel addicted to their phones and 59% of parents stating that they feel that their teens are addicted to their mobile devices. Meanwhile, 27% of the parents say that they feel addicted and 28% of teens feel that their parents are addicted to their phones.

"Technological addiction can happen to anyone," says Holland Haiis, a digital detox expert. In her book "Consciously Connecting: A Simple Process to Reconnect in a Disconnected World.", she also described technology as "the new 21st century addiction".

Parents say that teens are on their phones too much. But how much is too much?

“Teenage Zombies” are now used to refer to teens who are “glued” to their phones, at least 72% of the respondents said that they feel the need to respond immediately to notifications, messages and texts that they receive.

Internet addiction is viewed as a public health threat in some parts of the world, but as of now, it isn’t in USA and the Philippines.

But is there a cure to this addiction? Let’s go over to Life Hack and Field Guide to find some tips that they have shared:

  1. Don’t buy the Lexus of phones

    Everyone’s going crazy and is itching to buy the latest iPhone or the new Samsung phone or whatever the newest gadget is out there. But before you put a hole on your pockets, ask yourself first, do you really need those? If you’re trying to cut off your smartphone addiction, don’t follow the hype and buy whatever new phone it is out there, instead, settle for a phone that fits your needs.


  1. Leave your phone in another room

    This will help you to stop constantly checking your phone and to stop it from distracting you. Leaving it in another room will make you forget about your phone so you won’t be tempted to use it. This is really useful especially when you’re trying to do something important.


  1. Turn off notifications

    Let’s be real here, do you really need to check whenever your favorite celebrity tweets or if there’s a new thing on a game you installed? Go turn off those unnecessary notifications! By turning them off, you won’t be distracted and tempted to check your phone every time it lights up.


  1. Quitting Apps

    If you really need to control your phone addiction, install apps like Offtime or BreakFree (both available on iOS and Android). These apps track your device usage and gives information on how much time you spend and use on your phone. Offtime also has a feature in which you can block notifications from distracting apps.

    Smartphone addiction is something which you, yourself can control alone. There are things much more substantial outside of the internet world. Don’t get sucked into your phone, read a book instead or go hang out with your friends!



Wallace, K. (2016, May 3). Half of teens think they're addicted to their smartphones. CNN. Retrieved from

Nield, D. (2014, June 28). How to Break Your Smartphone Addiction. Field Guide. Retrieved from

Levit, A. Get Over Your Smartphone Addiction. Lifehack. Retrieved from

Roa, A. (2012, October 5). One of 3 Filipinos can’t live without cell phones–survey. Inquirer. Retrieved from

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