Innovation & Technology

Snapchat releases "Snapcodes"

1 minute read | January 1, 1999

Snapchat will now allow businesses to create their own unique “Snapcode”. But first, what is a Snapcode?

Snapcodes allows the users to add Snapchat business accounts by scanning a QR code which will direct them to the specific account they want to follow. Snapcodes are a new promotional tool for businesses who want to reach their online community. Follow these steps to get started.

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Select “Snapcode”
  3. Once selected, you may now choose “Create Snapcode”

A Snapcode uses images (whether it be a selfie, images from your phone’s camera, GIF, vector, etc.) instead of a URL. This feature will not only benefit businesses, but also public figures as well. Try it out now!

Source: Constine, J. (2017, January 31.) Snapchat now lets you make QR Snapcodes that open websites. Techcrunch. Retrieved from

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