Innovation & Technology

Top Searches of the Presidential Candidates on Google

3 minute read | January 1, 1999

The candidates for the 2016 elections in the Philippines are summing up in an aggressive pace. Every possible information is being searched on which candidate can perfectly commit and hold the most important role in any country. The following numbers that is stated below are properly observed for the sake of the Filipino people as well as each candidate's information. 

Here we lay down numbers of each presidential candidate search ranking. The data represents on how popular each candidate is in the internet most specifically in Google. The results of the top searches in Google was powered by Google Keyword Planner. The keyword rankings are discussed below. 

Following the searches of the names of the candidates, the results observed the following ranking:

  • Grace Poe topped the searches listing 33,100.
  • Rodrigo Duterte is the second top search with 22,200.
  • Mar Roxas tied up with 22,200 as well.
  • Jejomar Binay got 12,100.
  • Miriam Santiago had the least searches of 6,600.

The statistics are based on keywords of their screen names and differs from the top stats of specific keywords. 

However, certain keywords made different results that set another type of ranking. The following candidates rule the following places in searches:

  • Rodrigo Duterte goes first with a keyword of his surname Duterte which had an average monthly search of 90,500.
  • Grace Poe's name followed the top had 33,100 searches.
  • Jejomar Binay's surname searched 27,100 gets the third place.
  • Mar Roxas name had 22,200.
  • Miriam Santiago had the least searches of 6,600.

The numbers are all based on the average monthly search of each keyword. 

Also, supporting keywords show the Filipino people's interest on gathering significant and relevant information for each candidate to be updated. News for each candidate are searched with the following keywords:

  • Duterte news gained 18,100.
  • Binay news got 9,900.
  • Grace Poe news with 5,400 searches.
  • Mar Roxas news with 2,400.
  • Miriam Santiago news doesn't appear to be relevant as she doesn't appear to be linked in other candidates' cases..

The numerical data shows and displays how the Filipino people especially voters view the candidates. The keywords show transparency on what people find answers for, questions and information they would like to be clear and be confident with the ones who the people want to represent the Philippines in the soon elections. 


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