Innovation & Technology

5 Myths about Social Media Managers

4 minute read | January 1, 1999 Share Share

Who wouldn’t want to play on Facebook all day long, share pictures, comment on threads but still earn a living? That’s what people think of a social media manager’s job.

What people don’t know is that the life of a true professional social manager involves much more than fooling about on social media platforms the whole day. Before these social media managers became the best at what they do, they had to undergo lots of training and work to perfect the task of handling social media accounts.

Here are some of the biggest misconceptions about social media management and the real story behind these myths.

  • Social media managers play on Facebook all day – People think that a social media manager’s sole job description is to come up with quotes or pictures and post them to social media. This is just a small part of their actual job. They have to come up with the strategy, implementation, and then measuring results. Just like the traditional forms of marketing, social media needs the same advance planning.
  • Social media success is luck of the draw – Less experienced social media managers might tell you that most of it comes down to luck. This is not really true. A professional social media manager must know everything about the client, their business and industry, target audience and competitors then coordinates with the company to create branding guidelines then convey them with the target audience using social platforms. You’ll know if your campaign is a success if you get a large and engaged audience at the end of the campaign.
  • When it comes to social media, something is better than nothing – Having a social media account that is inactive or misguided is better than nothing at all is a myth. One wrong post about a brand can do more damage than having no social media presence at all. Social media management requires strategy so that the company can analyze the results and see if the campaign is cost-effective. A well-trained social media manager knows every step about how to bring the brand to a success and convert it into money so they can advise the client on what to do next.
  • It’s a low-pressure job – Ever wonder how stressing your own social media account can be? Multiply that by ten. Handling a company’s entire brand image means big money. It’s a high-pressure position that demands results and a constantly evolving campaign strategy. We live in a fast-paced world where platforms and strategies change on a nearly constant basis.
  • Social media management only takes a couple hours a week– This is probably the biggest misconception of them all. An in-house social media manager’s job description is to manage one brand for the whole day whereas freelance social media managers move from client to client, which takes more time.


Blair, N. (2016, October 8). 5 Major Misconceptions about Social Media Managers. Social Media Today. Retrieved from

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