Innovation & Technology

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: What's new?

4 minute read | January 1, 1999

It's actually nice to know that digital marketing and social media are alike – because from time to time, it changes and the updates are really something! From the numerous known and unknown social media sites, there are always new features that users are looking for may it be small or big.

As for the top 3 most used social media sites- Twitter, Facebook and Instagram; well they are actually changing the game! From a simple website to renewing it to the tiniest and biggest update feature; they are changing it to something users didn’t know could happen. Let’s start the said roll call of the new updates from these social media sites.

  • Twitter Profile Display options – Aside from its present limited features, Twitter gave an emphasis on how there will be no limitations on how long the direct messages may be. With this, Twitter is also testing out new on-profile presentation tools. One of the new features is the responsive listing on what time the user is active on the said platform.
  • Twitter’s Sport Broadcasting – Last April, Twitter announced that it signed a deal with NFL to live stream a football game next season, which led to everyone imagining what and how it would look like – the live stream was placed on the left side, while the Twitter channels and broadcasters are listed down below the stream. On its right side, well viewers can actually see and read the top tweets.
  • Facebook Video Downloads – Last July 11, Facebook had a trial on their new feature which will allow its users to download video contents that was uploaded by different users all over the world. The said download option will appear alongside the Like and Comments Option, which will help users with low internet connectivity to watch it later. Sadly, the trial will only be applicable to a small group of users that was chosen by Facebook.
  • Facebook Messenger account switching – Months ago, Facebook updated a new feature for Android users to actually change its Messenger’s users. Now, Facebook Messenger is now bringing the same feature to iOS.
  • Instagram’s Comment Moderation – For Instagram's new update, it will only be limited to business pages. This update helps brands moderate and block the comments of the users especially the negative or offensive ones. The spam comments on Instagram have been increasing nowadays for a lot of people are signing up to this platform daily.



Hutchinson, A. (2016, July 6). 5 New Features Across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram That You Need to Know About. Social Media Today. Retrieved from

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