Innovation & Technology

The Battle of the Brands: Using Google Trends to Analyze Brand Popularity

9 minute read | September 5, 2024 Share Share

Do you want to figure out how you stack up against your competitors?


In this day and age, nobody can really get by with just a vision. Not in marketing, at least. In this industry, you need to know exactly what to do to stand out more than your competitors, making it crucial to be aware of what others are doing to stay one step ahead of them. 


Observing competitors’ campaigns is one thing, but diving deeper into their actual performance is another. What made them stand out? What is the audience's sentiment toward the material? How do they perceive the brand—positive or negative? Controversial or reliable? There are many aspects to investigate that can help you better understand your competitors' performance. Fortunately, to answer these questions, you can use a simple tool to compare and contrast your own brand against basically whatever searchable brand there is. 

Google Trends is a free online tool that provides a clear picture of how you stack up against your competition. And by 'clear picture,' we really mean clear: it offers a side-by-side comparison of performance over time, interest across different regions, and even shows which search service the topic performed best in (news search, image search, YouTube search, or Google Shopping). Google Trends comes closest to ‘getting into the head’ of your audience.


So, if you're still relying on outdated competitor analysis methods (like website stalking, manually checking their review performance, etc.), it's time to get with the program and start using Google Trends. This article will guide you through the process, from understanding how Google Trends functions to using it for competitor analysis, allowing you to experience Google Trends firsthand. Keep reading!


What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a powerful and free tool provided by Google that offers insights into the popularity of search queries across different regions and languages. Here's what makes it useful:

Interest Measurement: Over time, it tracks user interest in specific topics or brands, providing data on a scale from 0 to 100. A score of 100 represents peak popularity, while 0 means there isn't enough data for that search term.

Related Queries and Topics: One of its standout features is the ability to display “Related Queries” and “Related Topics,” which gives deeper insights into what people are searching for.

Data Visualization: Google Trends offers various forms of data visualization, including line graphs, geographical maps, and lists of trending topics, making it easier to understand and interpret the data.


How Google Trends Analyzes Brand Popularity

With Google Trends, you can do just about anything necessary to figure out brand popularity, and you can do so by simply entering your brand's name and your competitor's name in the search bar. Google Trends allows you to track your competitor’s performance over time, allowing you to have an overview of their popularity during a period of time. 


The concept posits a direct correlation between the frequency of online searches for a brand, or any related keyword, and its offline popularity. As internet users, we understand that this isn't a stretch. Think about how often you’ve used Google to look up something that interests you. Each time you do so, Google logs it as a search score for the specific keyword(s) you used. Brands like yours can then use this data to compare and contrast search popularity within the timeframe or location you are most interested in.


In a nutshell, Google Trends can analyze brand popularity in several ways such as:

  • Tracking Search Interest: To monitor a brand's search interest over time, enter its name as a search term.
  • Comparative Analysis: Compare multiple brands at the same time to determine their relative popularity. This feature highlights which brands are gaining or losing consumer interest, helping businesses adjust their strategies.
  • Geographical Data: Discover where a brand is most popular, which is crucial for developing localized marketing strategies.
  • Seasonal Patterns: To plan marketing campaigns around high-interest periods, such as holidays or major events, identify seasonal trends in search interest.


Related: Google Trends for Searchability: How to Use Google Trends for SEO


Using Google Trends for Competitor Analysis

When it comes to staying ahead of the competition, Google Trends is a valuable tool for gaining insights into how your brand stacks up against others. Here’s a quick guide on how to use it for competitor analysis:


  • Search for Competitor Brands: Start by entering your competitors' names into Google Trends. This will give you an overview of their search interest over time. To compare them side by side, you can add multiple brands.
  • Compare Popularity: Use the comparison feature to see how your brand's search interest stacks up against your competitors. Look at the graphs to identify trends—are there peaks during product launches or dips during quiet periods?
  • Explore Regional Differences: Check out the geographical data to see where each brand is most popular. This can help you understand regional strengths and weaknesses and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.
  • Analyze Seasonal Trends: Look for seasonal spikes or drops in search interest for your competitors. This information can be useful for timing your own campaigns and promotions to align with high-interest periods.
  • Review Related Queries: Dive into the “Related Queries” section to see what other terms people are searching for in connection with your competitors. This can provide insights into customer interests and potential gaps you can exploit.


By using Google Trends in this way, you can gain a clearer picture of your competitive landscape and make informed decisions to enhance your brand’s position.


Benefits and Limitations of Using Google Trends for Brand Analysis

Understanding the benefits and limitations of using Google Trends for brand analysis can help you make the most out of this tool for your marketing and SEO strategies. Here’s a quick rundown of Google Trend’s pros and cons:


Using Google Trends For Competitor’s Analysis



  • The system provides real-time data for immediate, data-driven decision-making.
  • It is cost-effective and offers valuable insights without the need for expensive market research.
  • User-friendly interface is suitable for both beginners and experienced marketers.
  • The lack of precise search volumes limits the precision of data analysis.
  • The data is based on a sample and may not fully represent the total search volume.
  • Accuracy depends on the selection of precise search terms; ambiguous or misspelled names can affect results.


The Battle of the Brands: Google Trends is a Weapon For Winners!

Understanding brand popularity is essential for staying competitive in today’s market, and Google Trends offers a practical solution for analyzing search interest. By using this tool, businesses can gain insights into consumer behavior, compare brand performance, and develop targeted marketing strategies. 


If you haven't tried this very useful tool yet, consider exploring it for your brand analysis to stay ahead of the competition. Experiment with different search terms and time frames to gain comprehensive insights into consumer interest patterns.


Want to unlock the full potential of your brand’s searchability? PurpleBug it! Visit our website today to discover our searchability solutions and stay ahead of the competition!

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