Influencer Marketing Solutions We offer extensive database of nano and micro influencers in different geographical locations in the Philippines.

Maximize conversion strategy with nano and micro-influencers.

Influencer Circle is the ultimate Influencer Marketing Solutions provider, boasting a vast database of over 10,000 influencers across 12 different regions in the Philippines, 5 different categories, and with strong partnership with Micro and Nano influencers. Offering comprehensive end-to-end solutions, we address challenges and help achieve objectives through KPI-based strategies, industry benchmarking, and brand metrics. From formulating strategic campaigns to identifying, implementing, and managing influencers effectively, we ensure a seamless process. Our services also encompass campaign monitoring, detailed reporting, and the expert handling and distribution of PR kits. Influencer Circle is your all-encompassing solution for impactful influencer marketing campaigns.
Our Capabilities

Strategic identification of influencers for product trial and promotions. *no assurance of posting


Strategic identification of influencers to conduct live video (selling or promotion)


Strategic identification of influencers for product promotion through content collaboration.


Strategic identification of influencers for revenue sharing, commission or rewards for driving traffic to the e-commerce website, generating sales, or achieving other desired actions, such as lead generation or clicks on specific links.


Strategic identification of influencers for exclusive promotions/partnership with lockout period.

What We Offer
Strategic Expertise
KPI-based Performance Metrics & Data-Driven Decision Making Process
Diverse Geographical Influencer Network
Tailored Influencer Matchmaking
Authentic Storytelling
Transparent Partnerships
Maximized ROI Through Conversion
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill
We Think and
Talk Digital.
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